The preg_match function is a php function used to determine if a string matches a particular regular expression. The syntax is simple: (copied from
// The "i" after the pattern delimiter indicates a case-insensitive search
if (preg_match("/php/i", "PHP is the web scripting language of choice.")) {
echo "A match was found.";
} else {
echo "A match was not found.";
The syntax is: preg_match(regularExpression, stringToMatch [, array matches]). In the example above, preg_match() looks for the string "php" in the text argument and returns a true or false.
preg_match will also poplulate an array called "matches" if a match is found. This contains the matched text.
The preg_match_all function is similar to the preg_match() function except that preg_match_all is global in scope. This means that is there are multiple matches is a string, preg_match_all will place them into the appropriate $matches array where as preg_match will only enter the first match.
A real world example of preg_match_all()
//$d is the text from an html file preg_match_all("/<font size=\"\+2\"><a href=\"(.*?)\">(.*?)<\/font>/",$d,$matches); for($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]);$i++) { print "<a href=\"".$matches[1][$i]."\">".$matches[2][$i]."</a><br />"; }
What this code does...
The preg_replace function has the following syntax:
preg_replace ( regularExpressions, replacements, strings )
For all three of these arguments, you can feed preg_replace arrays. A good example from the site is below...
$string = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."; $patterns[0] = "/quick/"; $patterns[1] = "/brown/"; $patterns[2] = "/fox/"; $replacements[2] = "bear"; $replacements[1] = "black"; $replacements[0] = "slow"; echo preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $string);
This will output...
The bear black slow jumped over the lazy dog.
Another example I've used is this...
$data = preg_replace("/(\r|\n|\t)*/","",$data);
This replaces all new lines, returns, and tabs with blanks. Essentially creating one long string from a multi-line file (such as an html document!)