Lab for Week 1
- For next week: Check out all the links in the lecture slides and read Chapters 1 and 2 in the Beginning PHP book
- 10 points: Create a three (3) page web site. The layout and content is up to you, but you must include all of the following at least once.
- A horizontal line at least 50% of the width of the page, without using the <hr /> tag.
- Include at least one image with an alt attribute.
- Include an acronym, and enclose it with an <acronym> tag with a title attribute explaining the acronym.
- An unordered list with at least 5 list items
- Create a block on a webpage and style a background image. (hint: <div>)
- Style all acronym tags to have a dashed-green underline.
- Use at least one class and style it globally
- Use at least one ID and style it globally
- Style all text to be Arial, sans-serif
- 10 points: One page must have a sign-up form with the following criteria:
- A fieldset with legend containing three (3) elements: Desired User Name, Desired Password, and Passoword Confirmation. Fields must be the appropriate type.
- A fieldset with legend containing six (6) elements: First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, ZIP. The state element must be a drop down list with at least five (5) states of your choosing.
- A fieldset with legend containing at least three (3) elements requesting whether the user want to subscribe to various newsletters, offers or other similar recurring events. Must include at least one set of radio buttons (with more than 2 options) and one check box.
- 5 points: In addition to the above, all pages must validate to either XHTML 1.0 strict or XHTML 1.1. All pages must NOT use tables for layout and must include a common navigational structure (top navigation or left navigation) which contains links to the other pages. All pages must have valid CSS and be Section 508 Compliant.
- 5 points: (required to receive any credit for this assignment). Upload the files to the webserver at