PHP - CCIS 2630
HW 8 - 30 points - March 30, 2006
Due at end of next session
Part 1 - 10 points: hit counter
Create a page counter to display the number of visits (hits) on each page. The hit counter must display the total hits for the current page only. Place this hit counter on every page in your web site.
- Create a database table to store the information. This must include (at a minimum) a field for total hits, the page, and a unique ID.
- Display total hits on each page.
- Every time a page is accessed, the information in the database is updated appropriately.
Part 2 - 20 points: add-a-link
Create an "add-a-link" page where registered users can add links to the web site.
- User must be logged in to access the add-a-link section
- There must be a form available for the logged in user to use to add a link. This form must create a new entry in a database table when submitted.
- There must be a link in your general navigation to the "links" page
- The "links" page must show all the links added by the users which is populated from a database table.
- The links on the "links" page must be sorted alphabetically.
- The links on the "links" page must be "google style". I.e: The title the user enters will be a link (which is the URL the user enters), followed by a description entered by the user.
- The database table must contain (at a minimum) a field for linkID, a field for the URL, a field with the username of the user who submitted the link, a title, and a description.
Email the links to only the files you created for this homework assignment to